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I have found a new pet product that is now on the top of my "what every pet parent needs". Okay so I do not really have that list, except for in my head just maybe. Anyways just recently I tried out these new on the go dog bowls. The last time I had a travel dog bowl, it was plastic fabric like thing that you just folded or stashed some where. These are so much better!

They are collapsible dog bowls! They come in different colors, mine were red, green and yellow. They all have their own clips so you can clip them to your bags or whatever you want to clip them to I guess. Each bowl also has a dog whistle, we just had more fund driving our dog crazy with them. ;) And yes she liked it, she is goofy.

These bowls are silicone and very durable. My dog likes to chew anything she can get a hold of but these she either likes or just can't tear up. They are non toxic, FDA Approved, also they are 100% BPA Free & Lead Free. So not only are you keeping your little (or big) fur baby hydrated, you are also keeping them safe! How awesome right?

They are only about 1cm thick when they are folded up, so they are pretty easy to stick in a bag on the go, your purse even, or keep in the car. You get three so you can always have one near. They work perfect for us when we go for family walks in the neighborhood or dog parks. Unfortunately the weather has not yet been in our favor to do this.

For the size of the bowls I would say they would be great for small or medium dogs. I have a Lab/Pitt mix and they are just perfect. They could probably work for bigger dogs also, I do not see why not especially since they are travel bowls. If you are as amazed about this product as I am then click here! If not then pass the info to someone else they really are great!

*I received this product free or heavily discounted in exchange for my honest and unbiased review!*

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