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Care for your mouth, while caring for your planet! #giveaway

One of the most important things to teach your children when they are young is good mouth hygiene. It is important to start brushing when their first baby teeth even start showing. If they learn while they are little, they are most likely to keep that healthy good habit once they are older. My son use to hate brushing his teeth, now he is not so much in love with it, but he does not put up the fuss. He brushes, rinses, and spits and then I help him with the flossing. We recently tried out this new product, WooBamboo Toothbrushes. I was not too sure what to think of them at first, but after reading up on their website and researching a little on it I almost fell in love with the product before it got to my home.

The children's (or 'sprouts') toothbrush pack comes in a pack of 2, I am not sure if colors are the same with each pack, but we have a green and blue bristled one, and a purple and blue bristled one. They are just the perfect size for your child's hand and your own hand, allowing you to still help brush their teeth and being able to hold it fine. I love the feeling to these brushes, the handle is smooth and the bristles are the softest that I have ever felt on a toothbrush.

The handle of the WooBamboo toothbrushes are made from biodegradable sustainably grown bamboo, they are Eco Friendly and even the package is made from recycled materials. The bristles are made from the highest quality dupont Tynex bristles. The Bamboo used is organically grown, so these toothbrushes are non toxic and BPA Free. So while you are teaching your child about caring for their mouth, but also for their planet!

Not only do they have WooBoo Sprout Toothbrushes, but they also have Adult toothbrushes, pet toothbrushes, Natural Floss, Natural Mouthwash, Natural Toothpaste and are currently in the making of a biodegradable bamboo plastic (they say to keep an eye out for more info on their facebook page). WooBoo also allows Companies to customize their products to help spread their company's message. They can add a laser etched logo or contact information on the handles. Companies can also customize the bristle colors and the packaging of the product. I think that is an awesome idea, they are allowing companies to show that they care about the Earth while giving a product that people can actually use in their daily life and not loose! ;)

If you think that the WooBamboo Products sound pretty awesome like I do, here is a few ways you can follow this awesome company and their awesome products!

I also love this little quote they have, "Many small efforts lead to big change."

Enter this awesome Mother's Day Giveaway.

An adult soft bamboo toothbrush (for mom) and a kids 2pack (for the kiddos)

Enter below!

(You need to log in with your email or facebook to enter.)

* I received this product for free or heavily discounted in

exchange for my honest and unbiased personal review and opinion!*

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