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Summer Feet!

Summer is getting close so you may want to start polishing those winter feet now! Winter does so much damage, you end up with all kinds of cracked and dry skin. Not only your feet, but just about everywhere. Now I can not help you out with other areas and the dry skin, but I do know a way to help get those summer feet ready!

You may have seen these Foot File and Callus Removers all over commercials, magazines or just in the store. This Treat My Feet one is a little different though and oh so much better than any others out there! This electric foot file and callus remover is rechargeable! So that is my top favorite thing about this product, such a money saver. This Treat My Feet product is so easy to use, you just plug it up and charge it, and then it is basically ready to go. It has a slide switch that has a safety lock on it. For one that is awesome if you have any little ones who get curious, they can not turn it on. Another reason that is pretty awesome is that you can take this on the go and not have to worry about it turning on in your purse or bag. There is also a plastic cover to put over the exfoliating roller so nothing messes it up, or it does not damage to anything else. You also receive an extra roller head with your purchase and Treat My Feet has extra roller heads you can purchase also.

These are pretty easy to clean, you just push the roller eject button and you can clean off the roller along with the top of the head of the filer. This is a great way to gently buff away any rough or dry skin. I do suggest having a towel if your feet are pretty dry so you do not have a mess. ;) The first time I tried I tried everything to help with my dry skin on my feet, but they were just horrible this year. I tried soaking, I tried foot lotions, just about every idea out there. I soaked my feet in my foot bath, dried my feet and gently went over areas of my feet with this file. Within seconds I could already feel the softness. I was not embarrassed to lay in bed and afraid my dry feet would scratch the hubby. I actually told him to touch my soft feet. :P

This is such a great at home spa product, you can take some mommy time, soak your feet and file any dead dry skin. Then choose a pretty color and just paint those nails. Take some time for yourself and get Summer Feet Ready! #TreatMyFeet

Purchase your own here.

* I received this product for free or heavily discounted in exchange

for my honest and unbiased personal review and opinion! *

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