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Thirty Days to Thirty-A great romance & comedy for every young reader.

I just looooove this book. I love the character Jill, actually fell in love with her pretty early in the book. I think I felt her and I had a little of the same feelings going on. I mean her whole life was turned upside down and she had to go back to her parents and found this list she made when she was younger. I have had a huge change happen a few months ago and still going through it, but this book taught me a little. Just like Jill, I get stressed about the small things and forget about everything else around me. I get so focused on the daily activities which for me is not going to work and working crazy hours like her, but doing housework that I forget to enjoy the small things. In this book, Jill realizes that herself and with the help of family and friends she has the chance to figure out there is more to life and you need to make yourself happy rather than trying to make everyone else happy. Sometimes you just need to go with the flow. Or even just head out without any plans. Try new things that you would never have thought you could do. Mainly do not be afraid to try. I got hooked on this book pretty quick so it only took me a couple days to read, but it is not a huge book. The author does a great job with adding a little comedy and romance in this book. It is a great ‘chic’ book, but really great for any young reader. It could help them with some things early on instead of being almost 30 and feeling you missed out on so much. With thanks to this read, I have thought more of trying new things and being more of me rather than what everyone else may want. In this book, I had a couple what the heck moments and thinking her best friend was a pain, but it all really worked out ok…..your best friend is suppose to be that way sometimes though right? :P If you are looking for just a good read, or maybe a gift for a young woman here is a great book, I would totally suggest this in a gift basket for a young adult. :) Plus if this is for you, the kindle version is only 99 cents!

Purchase Thirty Days to Thirty here.

I received this book for free or heavily discounted in exchange for my honest and unbiased personal review and opinion.

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