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Story of a Secret Heart-A broken heart hurts, but sometimes it can also be fun...

I love to read and have been reading so much the past few months. It is a stress reliever for me and 'my; time; plus I had the kindle app on my phone making it so much easier. (Until it broke a few weeks ago and now I am stuck with an old android with the entire screen. ugh) Anyways, after I read a book, whether it is short, long or maybe I was not a huge fan of, I always try to leave a review about it. I recently read a book that is listed on Amazon and I felt I just needed to share it because it was a great read. It is only about 150 pages, so not a really long book but since I had it downloaded to my computer it took me a little longer to read.

The book is called Story of a Secret Heart: A broken heart hurts, but it can also be fun.... by: Cassi Ellen. This is a true story by a new author that when she turned 30 she was single, alone and heart broken. So she started writing as a form of therapy. Here is a little about the book and then I will tell you why I loved this book so much. :)

As Cassi, a 30-year old single woman, leaves a long-term, unhappy relationship, she struggles with the pain and anguish of a broken heart. When, by chance, she meets a handsome stranger, he introduces her to a world that she didn’t even know existed. As she begins to slowly forget all about her broken heart she learns to have fun again. It is then that her life starts to spiral out of control and all she can do is laugh and hang on tight. Story of a Secret Heart is about breaking up . . . and breaking down. It’s about the roller-coaster ride of a breakup and all the dating and relationship stories in-between.

First of all, I love how at the end of each chapter she has a quote that fits perfectly with what she just wrote. I found that just neat because sometimes that little quote went perfectly for my 'quote of the day' and yes I do find daily quotes for myself. ;P I felt the emotion with this book, when Cassi had her heartbroken, I felt the pain with her. She goes into so much detail that I felt like I was the friend she was talking to. Cassi finds such a great way to put a little comedy in here too, and sometimes I really did LOL. My 4year old can vouch for that. haha, I feel like many could relate to this book, maybe not to the extent that she went through but enough that we all go through feeling heartbroken, even just feeling like you have no one around. Either way, Cassi finds a way to get through it, she does get a little out of control, but I can even say I have had a moment in the past that was crazy out of control. I do not know how she got through with some of the parts in her life, she is a strong girl, I also do not know how she made it through towards the end of the book. I would have lost it! haha, You have to read to find out, though. :) The ending did throw me off, it took me awhile to comprehend what I had just read but in a good way. I had to take a few hours after reading before I could even think about writing a review, she ended this great and I can not wait for a sequel......well I hope she will have one. ;)

Check out this book here on Amazon!

* I received this book for free or heavily discounted in exchange for my honest and unbiased personal review and opinion! *

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